Креативная канадка создает невероятный семейный архив

Фото: Инстаграмм https://www.instagram.com/kweilz/

Канадская блогер, фотограф и мама Кейт Вейланд (Kate Weiland) ведет хронику своей дружной семьи с помощью очаровательных и забавных фотографий: такому семейному архиву можно только позавидовать.

Кажется, будто фантазия Кейт не знает границ: она помещает своих моделей в самые разные ситуации, создавая то сентиментальные, то смешные фотографии. И при этом все модели очень красивые: стройная блондинка Кейт, ее плечистый муж и трое очаровательных детишек, младшему из которых в мае исполняется годик. Сама Кейт больше похожа на юную девушку, чем на типичную многодетную мать, а со своей малышкой-дочерью они часто позируют как подружки.

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NEW Twinning Fall lewks ???what’s your fave? 1-7… From trendy to lounge to dressy, even some twinning jewelry is thrown in the mix! I’ve tagged every pic with the brands/ shops that we adore! Also, if you’re the first to guess which outfit Scarlet chose ? on her own, I’ll come over and spam your account with likes and comments. Hint — it’s probably not the one you’d think ? • @rosiejoan.ca — twinning jewelry @hm @hm_kids @darlingsofaugust @zara @zarakids @karllagerfeld @shopflyingcolors @converse @oldnavy Also my hair has a fresh trim and colour from my girl @lisaloveslavish at @lavishsaloncalgary — I think I want to go even shorter for fall! #falllewks #backtoschooloutfits #twinningiswinning #twinning #loveher #scarlet #yyc #blondies #momentsofmine #cameramama #momswithcameras #thatsdarling #pixel_kids #mommyandscarlet #matching #matchymatchy #mygirl #momentsinmotherhood #mommyandme #nothingisordinary #thisweekoninstagram

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You can sip with us ?☆ Thank you so much to everyone who wrote such kind words after sharing that we had had a theft(╹◡╹) When all was said and done, Nate and I agreed that it would be best to report it for the mere fact that we didn’t want it to occur to anyone else in the neighbourhood — I struggled with doing even that — but I’m still keeping and working on my inner peace and forgiveness. Speaking of forgiveness, I decided I wanted to bring back a pic we started a long time ago. To be honest, the concept had been duplicated so many times with and without credit that it didn’t really feel like it was ours anymore. But getting back into the chairs sure felt great and I’m definitely happy to admit I’ve let go of the sour vibes I was carrying around with me every time I saw it being replicated. Maybe we’ll keep the series going a bit longer just for fun ??‍♀️ also #hellofrom Canada ?? White #matching suits from the @Gap (which I tie-dyed in PS) #familymatching #matchymatchy #momentsinmotherhood #mommyandme #nothingisordinary #thisweekoninstagram #familyfirst #familyovereverything #familyonchairs #lovethem #uniteinmotherhood #vscomom #thatsdarling #matchingfamily #familyoffive #yyc #canadians

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